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Setting up your development environment

There are two ways to set up your development environment. You can view the pros and cons of each method at the bottom.

Set up using Docker Compose Watch

Step 0: Install prerequisites

  1. Install Docker.
  2. If you are not using Docker Desktop, install Docker Compose with version >=2.22 to use the watch command.

Step 1: Configure

  1. Go to deployment/docker-compose

  2. Copy template.env to a new file .env within the same directory, and set the necessary variables. For local setup, you just need to set your own OPENAI_API_KEY as the app can use default values for other environment variables (check out the various under core_backend/app/ and its subdirectories.)

  3. (optional) Edit which LLMs are used in the litellm_proxy_config.yaml

Step 2: Run docker compose watch

In deployment/docker-compose, run

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f -p aaq-stack watch

The app will now run and update with any changes made to the core_backend or admin_app folders.

The admin app will be available on https://localhost and the backend API testing UI on https://localhost/api/docs.

Set up manually

Step 0: Install prerequisites

  1. Install conda.
  2. Install Node.js v19. If you have a different version installed already, you may wish to use nvm to install v19.
  3. Install Docker.

Step 1: Run the backend

  1. Set up your python environment.

  2. Activate your aaq conda environment

    conda activate aaq
  3. Set required environment variables in your terminal using

    export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk...  # required for model proxy server
    export PROMETHEUS_MULTIPROC_DIR=/tmp  # required for core_backend
  4. (optional) Edit which LLMs are used in the deployment/docker-compose/litellm_proxy_config.yaml.

  5. Run Make target to set up required Docker containers for the database and the LiteLLM proxy server.

    make setup-dev
  6. Run the app

    python core_backend/

    This will launch the application in "reload" mode i.e. the app will automatically refresh everytime you make a change to one of the files.

    You can test the endpoints by going to http://localhost:8000/docs (backend will be running on http://localhost:8000).

  7. Once done, exit the running app process with ctrl+c and run

    make teardown-dev
Set up database and LiteLLM proxy containers manually

The make setup-dev command should set up the database docker container and LiteLLM proxy server automatically. If you wish to set them up separately, here are the steps:

PostgreSQL database on docker

You can launch a container running PostgreSQL database and run the necessary migrations using:

make setup-db

You can stop and remove the PostgreSQL container using:

make teardown-db

See the contents of these Makefile targets to see how you could run them manually if required.

LiteLLM Proxy Server

  1. Set models and parameters in deployment/docker-compose/litellm_proxy_config.yaml

  2. Set OpenAI API key environment variable in your terminal using

    export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk...
  3. Run the Make target

    make setup-llm-proxy
  4. Once done, teardown the container with

    make teardown-llm-proxy

Step 2: Run the admin app

From aaq-core/admin_app run

npm i
npm run dev

This will install the required packages required for the admin app and start the app in dev (autoreload) mode.

The admin app will now be accessible on http://localhost:3000/

Set up docs

  1. mkdocs should be installed in your development conda environment created by make fresh-env. Activate the conda environment:

    conda activate aaq
  2. To host docs offline so you can see your changes, run the following in the root of the repo (with altered port so it doesn't interfere with the app's server):

    mkdocs serve -a "localhost:8080"

Pros and cons of each setup method

Method Pros Cons
Set up using docker compose watch
  • Good for end-to-end testing
  • Local environment identical to production deployment
  • No need to setup local environment
  • Set environment variables and configs once
  • Changes take 5-10s to be reflected in the app
Set up manually
  • Instant feedback from changes
  • Requires more configuration before each run
  • Requires environment and dependencies to be set up correctly