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LLM Response

LLM Response

This service uses most similar content in the database to construct a custom answer for the user.

See OpenAPI specification or SwaggerUI for more details on how to call the service.

Process flow

  User->>AAQ: User's question
  AAQ->>LLM: Identify language
  LLM->>AAQ: <Language>
  AAQ->>LLM: Translate text
  LLM->>AAQ: <Translated Text>
  AAQ->>LLM: Paraphrase question
  LLM->>AAQ: <Paraphrased Question>
  AAQ->>Vector DB: Request N most similar contents in DB
  Vector DB->>AAQ: <N contents with similarity score>
  AAQ->>LLM: Given contents, construct response in user's language to question
  LLM->>AAQ: <LLM response>
  AAQ->>LLM: Check if LLM response is consistent with contents
  LLM->>AAQ: <Consistency score>
  AAQ->>User: Return JSON of LLM response and N contents

Optional components

Align Score

In the Process Flow above, Step 12: Check if answer is consistent with content can be done using a custom AlignScore model instead of another LLM call.

  User->>AAQ: User's question
  AAQ->>LLM: Identify language
  LLM->>AAQ: <Language>
  AAQ->>LLM: Translate text
  LLM->>AAQ: <Translated Text>
  AAQ->>LLM: Paraphrase question
  LLM->>AAQ: <Paraphrased Question>
  AAQ->>Vector DB: Request N most similar contents in DB
  Vector DB->>AAQ: <N contents with similarity score>
  AAQ->>LLM: Construct response to question given contents
  LLM->>AAQ: <LLM response>
  AAQ->>Custom AlignScore Model: Check if LLM response is consistent with contents
  Custom AlignScore Model ->>AAQ: <Consistency score>
  AAQ->>User: Return JSON of LLM response and N contents

To use the custom AlignScore model, AAQ needs access to the AlignScore service. See documentation for how to setup the service and configure AAQ to call it.