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Contributing to AAQ

Thank you for being interested in contributing to AAQ.

AAQ is an open source project started by data scientists at IDinsight and sponsored by Everyone is welcome to contribute to it - in fact, the success of the project depends on it! 🤝🏿

Pull requests guide

These steps show you how to raise a pull request to the project

Make a fork

  1. Fork the project repository by clicking on the "Fork" button

  2. Clone the repo using:

    git clone<your GitHub handle>/aaq-core.git

Setup your virtual python environment

You can automatically create a ready-to-go aaq-core conda environment with:

make fresh-env
Errors with pyscopg2?

psycopg2 vs psycopg2-binary: For production use cases we should use psycopg2 but for local development, psycopg2-binary suffices and is often easier to install. If you are getting errors from psycopg2, try installing psycopg2-binary instead.

If you would like psycopg2-binary instead of psycopg2, run make fresh-env psycopg_binary=true instead (see below for why you may want this).

See here for more details.

Setting up the environment manually

Manual environment setup

If you would like to setup the environment manually, you can use conda to create virtual environment (or venv or other).

conda create --name aaq-core python=3.10

Install the python packages. While in aaq-core directory, run:

pip install -r core_backend/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Install pre-commit

Navigate to repo and run pre-commit

cd aaq-core
pre-commit install  # 👈 to run it automatically before each commit

Make your changes

  1. Create a feature branch for your development changes:

    git checkout -b feature
  2. Make your changes and then run pre-commits if you have not set it up to run automatically.

    pre-commit run --all  # 👈 to run it manually
  3. Run mypy separately with mypy core_backend/app (1)

  4. Then git add and git commit your changes:

    git add modified_files
    git commit
  5. And then push the changes to your fork in GitHub

    git push -u origin feature
  6. Go to the GitHub web page of your fork of the AAQ repo. Click the ‘Pull request’ button to send your changes to the project’s maintainers for review. This will send a notification to the committers.

  1. pre-commit runs in its own virtual environment. Since mypy needs all the packages installed, this would mean keeping a whole separate copy of your environment just for it. That's too bulky so the pre-commit only checks a few high-level typing things. You still need to run mypy directly to catch all the typing issues. If you forget, GitHub Actions 'Linting' workflow will pick up all the mypy errors.

Next steps

See Setup on how to setup your development environment.