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CI/CD of AAQ on AWS with GitHub Actions

After following the infrastructure creation steps, you should now have created 3 services in your AAQ ECS cluster.

  1. backend
  2. admin-app
  3. caddy

This page will show you how the CI/CD pipelines work and how to configure your GitHub Actions for CI/CD.


The CI/CD pipelines are implemented using GitHub Actions workflows. There is one workflow for each service.

The workflows expect you to maintain a separate branch for each deployment environment, e.g. development, staging, production, etc.

The workflow will get triggered on each deployment branch if any changes to the following files get merged:

  • your AAQ application code (under core_backend or admin_app), or
  • deployment code (deployment/aws/...)

Setting up CI/CD workflows on GitHub Actions

  1. To deploy AAQ via Github Actions, first create a deployment environment in your copy/fork of the AAQ repository, aaq-core. The environment name should be the same as the environment name used in your infrastructure configuration (infrastructure/<environment>/<environment>.auto.tfvars).

  2. In the new environment, create the following secrets that are specific to this deployment environment:

Name Example Description
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID 000000000000 AWS account ID
AWS_REGION af-south-1 AWS region
BOOTSTRAP_FILE Name of the bootstrap file at deployment/aws/core_backend/
CLUSTER_NAME aaq-demo-ecs-cluster ECS cluster name
DOMAIN Domain name
EMAIL Email address
NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL Backend URL for the application
PROJECT_NAME aaq Project name from Terraform (infrastructure/demo/
REPO aaq-demo-ecr-repository Name of the ECR repository created using Terraform
ROLE aaq-demo-github-actions-role Name of the GitHub Actions role for this environment created using Terraform
TASK_ROLE_ARN arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/aaq-demo-web-task-role ARN of the ECS task role created using Terraform


See Github Actions' "Using environments for deployment" page to learn more.