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Deploying and Using AlignScore

The authors of the AlignScore paper have made their code available on Github. We wrap their code (1) in a FastAPI application and expose APIs that can be called by AAQ. The FastAPI application can be deployed using a Docker container.

  1. Actually, we wrap a fork of their code

Configure AAQ to use AlignScore

You can use AlignScore instead of the default LLM-based content validation by setting ALIGN_SCORE_METHOD to AlignScore in the .env file (1) in the deployment/ folder.

  1. If you don't a .env file, make sure you have deployed the app as per instruction in Quick Setup

Other configuration

You can also change the threshold score below which the LLM response is considered not consistent with the provided context.


See Testing on how to decide on this threshold.

Deploying the service

Follow the deployment instructions in Quick Setup.

On Step 6: Run docker-compose, run the following command instead:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f \
    --profile alignScore -p aaq-stack up -d --build

Dev setup

If you are using the Dev setup, you can start the container manually using:

cd optional_components/alignScore
docker build -t alignscore-base . # (1)
docker run -p 5001:5001 --name align-score-local --detach 'alignscore-base'
  1. This step can take long time and even longer if you have a slow internet connection. So if you have already generated the image previously, you can skip this step. Alternatively, you can pull from ECR using
    docker pull \

Also see

  1. Quick Setup
  2. Configuring AAQ