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Nginx out, Caddy in

By swapping out Nginx for Caddy, we substantially simplified the deployment steps and the architecture - which means fewer docker containers to run and manage.

Previously, we were using NGINX and then manually running a script to issue certificates from Let's Encrypt. We were also running a container to refresh Let’s Encrypt certificates. And then sharing volumes between this container and the nginx container. This article from 2018 shows you the setup. It was a bit of a mess.

The other issue was that this process wouldn't work when running locally - for example when you are developing. Your domain would be localhost and Let's Encrypt can't issue certificates for it. So we had to come up with a different process for local dev where we were issuing self-signed certs.

Welcome Caddy

Oscar, our AI advisor's first advice when he saw our architecture was to switch to Caddy. Here are the benefits:

  1. It requests and refresh certs from Let's Encrypt.
  2. If your domain is localhost, it knows to issue its own certificate.
  3. A much smaller and simpler config file.
  4. You can use environment variables.

So now our local setup process is the same as prod and requires one fewer containers. Amazing!